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发布日期:2025-01-04 15:11    点击次数:71

3月24日上午,堪萨斯国际学院院长沈迈特博士一行赴博雅住宿书院走访调研,受到博雅住宿书院院长朱耀先、副书记余粮的热烈欢迎。  On the morning of March 24, Dr. Matt Schenk, Dean of Kansas International School, visited Boya Residential College and received a warm welcome from Zhu Yaoxian, Dean of Boya Residential College, and Yu Lian, Deputy Secretary of Boya Residential College. 座谈中,迈特院长首先对博雅住宿书院对堪萨斯国际学院工作的关心支持表达了衷心的感谢,并对目前学生毕业率、就业帮扶计划,英语学习支持计划以及国际交流活动等进行了汇报,最后,迈特院长回顾了两院长久以来协同育人的合作成果,并表示希望在未来进一步巩固和提升两院交流成果。        During the meeting, Dr . Schenk expressed his heartfelt thanks to Boya Residential College for the support and care of Kansas International School. Then, he reported on the current student graduation rate, employment support program, English learning support program, international exchange activities, etc. Then, Dr. Schenk reviewed the achievements of the cooperation between the two institutions for a long time and expressed his hope to further consolidate and improve the exchange achievements between the two institutions in the future. 随后,朱耀先院长从学生分布、学生管理、学生第二课堂辅导及学生活动等方面详细介绍了堪萨斯国际学院学生在博雅住宿书院的整体情况,并提出双院制协同育人是学校工作重点,也是培养学生成功成才的基石,希望今后博雅住宿书院和堪萨斯国际学院可以继续保持良好的沟通机制和合作共赢的初心。     After that, Dean Zhu Yaoxian introduced the overall situation of Kansas International School students in Boya Residential College in detail from the aspects of student distribution, student management, second-class tutoring, and student activities and suggested that the two institution system of collaborative education is the focus of the school' s work and the cornerstone of cultivating students 'booming success. She mentioned that Boya Residential College and Kansas International School could maintain suitable communication mechanisms and win-win cooperation in the future.       最后,此次走访调研在育人导师和学生代表提问中结束。       Finally, the visit ended with questions from the residential advisor and student representatives.

